Pastor Jonathan Fitzner


01-28-2017: Our obedience to God

               Jesus said in John 15, 14: “You are my Friends if you obey me.” A true Christian life is expressed in obedience to God and to his word. As followers of Christ, we are commanded to live by the principles of the Bible. The way of Obedience is the way of blessing. In James 1:22 we read: “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” Self-deception comes when we listen to God’s Word without doing what it says.     

Our love to God is the heart of obedience

               In 1.John 5:3, says: “this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments.” Jesus once asked Peter:  “Do you love me?”

                Someone gave a Testimony:  “As I repented of my long neglect of God, He filled my empty heart with His forgiving love. Than Bible reading and prayer became a delight. My renewed love for God made doing His will more desirable than doing my own will. That’s why love is the heart of Obedience. 

               In Philippians 2, 12 Paul writes to the Philippians: “You have always obeyed.” What a nice Testimony, Paul is giving this Christians.   It is great when other People are able to notice or see, when a Christian is obedient to the word of God.

               If Paul would know us, how would he describe our Christian life? Could he see our Obedience to God? What would be our answer? No! Sometimes not sure, or, yes? It is my desire to be obedient to God and to His word.

                Paul is not saying: “my dear friends you have great Faith.” Which would also be good. Faith is very imported. But Faith must include Obedience. 

               Like a bird needs to have two wings in order to fly. So we to need to have Faith and we need to be obedient to the word of God.

               The cost of obedience is nothing compared to the cost of disobedience.

Jonathan Fitzner

11-23-2016:   Christmas 2016 

A Question from a little child:

This Child saw a lot external things. But he could not see Jesus. So this child asked where the Baby Jesus is. This little boy saw that Jesus was missing. Can it be that in all the outer things we do not miss Jesus? In other words we celebrate Christmas without Jesus ? Where is Jesus? That is an important question.

Christmas is telling us, where Jesus is. He was born in Bethlehem in a stable. 

Christmas telling us, Jesus is walking here on earth. He came to this world. 

John 1: 14 says: “And the word became flesh and dwelt among us.” 

  An Astronaut, after going to the moon, said: That while that experience was amazing, more remarkable to him than walking on the moon was: God walking on the earth. Where Jesus wants to be most is in your and my heart. 

    Someone said: Jesus has two birthplaces one in Bethlehem and one in a human heart. God decided that Jesus was born in Bethlehem. To be born in yours and in mine we have to decide. 

    There is a saying  "If Christ was 1000 times born in Bethlehem and not in your heart, you still would be lost".  As we celebrate Christmas let us ask this question where Jesus is, is He in your heart, than worship Him like the Wiseman did.

If not in seek Him like the Shepherds and the Wiseman did and invite him into your heart, He will give you the gift of peace and joy. 

      A loving God is the center of Christmas. He loved us so much; He came to dwell with us. 

Have a wonderful Christmas and blessed New Year 

                            -- Jonathan Fitzner



Lord, prop us up on our leaning side
Read to the end and then look at the barn...

          Everytime I am asked to pray, I think of the old fellow who always prayed, 'Lord, prop us up on our leaning' side. 'After hearing him pray that prayer many times, someone asked him why he prayed that prayer so fervently.

          He answered, 'Well sir, you see, it's like this... I got an old barn out back. It's been there a long time; it's withstood a lot of weather; it's gone through a lot of storms, and it's stood for many years. It's still standing. But one day I noticed it was leaning to one side a bit.


          So I went and got some pine poles and propped it up on its leaning side so it wouldn't fall. Then I got to thinking about that and how much I was like that old barn.

          I've been around a long time. I've withstood a lot of life's storms. I've withstood a lot of bad weather in life, I've withstood a lot of hard times, and I'm still standing too.


          But I find myself leaning to one side from time to time, so I like to ask the Lord to prop me up on my leaning side, 'cause I figure a lot of us get to leaning at times.

          Sometimes we get to leaning toward anger, leaning toward pettiness, leaning toward lies, leaning toward gossip, leaning toward bitterness, leaning toward hatred, leaning toward cussing, leaning toward a lot of things that we shouldn't .


          So we need to pray, 'Lord, prop us up on our leanin' side, so we will stand straight and tall again, to glorify the Lord.''

If you stare at this barn for a second you will see who will help us stand straight and tall again.

Do You See HIM?


June 5, 2016

Making right choices.

Life is, what we choose

The importance of making right choices.

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

           Joshua 24: 15


            Joshua has made an important choice for himself and also for his house. Life means making a lot of choices. Smaller ones and greater ones, what food we eat or what kind of car we buy.

One of the great and important choices we make is whom we choose to marry. There is the story about Mozart, a famous Austrian composer, who loved a young lady. But that lady did not love him. She said no to his marriage proposal. This all happened before Mozart became famous, so the story goes that she regretted her decision not to marry this now famous man… but it was too late.


But the greatest and most important decision we have to make is: Who we choose to serve? Joshua made his choice. “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”


A Father and his young son are climbing a mountain. When they came to a place where the ascent was especially difficult and dangerous, the young boy called out trustingly, “choose the good path daddy, I am coming right behind!” These words can have a spiritual application. “Daddy choose the good path.” What is the Bible telling us, about serving the Lord?


First:  The Bible instructs us, to serve the Lord only.

          Joshua 24: 14”.... fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served in Egypt, Serve the Lord.”

The Lord Jesus made it very clear to us that we can only serve one master. Math. 6: 24, “No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the cannot serve God and Mammon.” The word Mammon comes from the Arabic language it means “Wealth, or riches.


Second: The human life has its center.

            In our conversations, in our habits, how we live, the center of life will be revealed. The Bible advices us to make the kingdom of God the center of our life. Matth. 6: 33: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things shall be added to you.”


            A man complained to his minister that he had prayed for a whole year that he might enjoy the comfort of religion but his prayers were never answered.” His Pastor replied: “Go home now and pray: Father glorify thyself.” God cannot have His way if our own self is in the way. Someone said: “Many people want Christ to save their souls, but they reserve their bodies for their own selfish purpose.

 Having been bought with a great price, the precious blood of Jesus, we belong to Him, both body and soul. Therefore, it is reasonable that He would expect us to dedicate our All to Him.”


Thirdly: It is important to serve the Lord with joy.


            Why do I say this? Because the Bible says In Psalm 100: 2, “Serve the Lord with joy” True joy is a gift from God. But if we do not take a gift and use it, it will not benefit us. Often we confuse joy with happiness, but there is a big difference between the two. Happiness has its roots in happenings. Happiness is determined by what happens in our lives. Since happiness is determined by events, it is temporary. True joy is not rooted in happenings; true joy is rooted in God. God has made us for joy.


Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. He restored peace and harmony - and with joy. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are able to become right with God. True joy comes from our restored relationship with our Father in heaven.


          King David knew where to find true joy. He prays to God in Psalm 51: 12, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me by your generous Spirit.” He knew, true joy can only come from God.


          In closing: Joshua 24: 14 “Now fear the Lord and serve Him with all faithfulness.”

                             Jonathan Fitzner


March 10, 2016

Three Crosses at Calvary
 Luke 23: 39- 43

   We are familiar with pictures that are showing us 3 crosses on a hill. On the day Jesus Christ died, three crosses were raised. Jesus was crucified between two criminals. The three crosses on Calvary’s hill are showing us how three people are dying in relation to sin. One of the criminals is dying in sin. He did not ask Jesus for mercy or help. Jesus could not give him a word of forgiveness and a word of hope.
    The second thief was dying while in forgiveness of sin. He put his faith and trust in Jesus and received forgiveness of his sin. He prayed to Jesus, "Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And Jesus answered: “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23: 42-43) These are the greatest words a dying person could ever hear. Facing death with hope and confidence comes only from trusting Christ.

   And on the middle cross , dying for OUR sin, was Jesus Christ. He was God’s Son and had no sin of His own. The center cross made all the difference for those two men hanging beside Jesus - the difference between an eternal separation from God and an eternal heaven.
   In the three crucified,  on Calvary’s hill, we can see a sinner, a saint, and the Savior. The whole human race is represented by those two thieves and their response to the Lord Jesus. Here we see two opposite responses to Jesus Christ by the two thieves who were crucified at Calvary. One is rejecting, the other is accepting.
   Sometimes people are using this story as an excuse to wait to make a decision for Jesus Christ.

   A Man was asked to receive Christ but put it off by saying, “Oh, don’t bother me now. There is always the eleventh hour. Remember the dying thief.” But then he was shocked when he was asked: “which thief? Remember, there were two!” The man responded, “That’s right, I had forgotten that. I meant the saved one!” That very night he decided to trust Jesus for his salvation. People sometimes remember the one dying thief who got saved in the last hour of his life. They think there will be always the eleventh hour to come to Christ. They forgot that there were two thieves. The best time for being saved is today. Because: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, and today is a gift.”

The Good News of Easter
  Jesus said: “I am the resurrection and life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” John 11: 25
  A young boy stood outside an art store looking at a painting of Jesus on the cross. A man approached him and asked, “Do you know who that is?” The boy answered, “Yes, Sir, that is Jesus the Savior who died on the cross to save me.” The man patted the boy on the head and walked away.
He had not gone far when he felt a tug on his sleeve. The same little fellow he had spoken to moments before said: “Please, Sir, I forget to tell you something else, Jesus is not one that cross anymore. He is alive because He rose again“.

  The climax of the Gospel is the resurrection. The sermons preached by the Apostles always included the good news that Jesus is not dead, He rose again. Someone expressed it this way: “The good news is not that Jesus lived and died, but that He died and lives.” Jesus came to our earth to bring us the Good News of the Gospel; He died as our sacrifice, and rose from the grave as our Savior.
Konrad Adenauer, former Chancellor of West Germany said: ”If Jesus Christ is alive, then there is hope for the world. If not, I do not see the slightest glimmer of hope on the horizon.” And he also said: “I believe Christ’s resurrection to be one of the best-attested facts of history.” 
    Bill Gaither gave us the Song: “Because He (Jesus) lives I can face tomorrow; because He lives all fear is gone; because I know He holds the future; and life is worth the living just because He lives.”

Jonathan Fitzner


New year 2016

Hebrew 11: 8

“By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out… and he went out, not knowing where he was going.”

            As we stand on the threshold of another year, we think about the future of this coming year. We know how the past year was, but do not know what the New Year will bring. We like Abraham we do not know what the New Year will bring and in what situations we have to go into.

            The Month January came from the Name Janus. It was a Romans statute showing a man with two faces. With one he looked back, with the other he looked ahead. That can symbolize the old and the New Year, the past and Future. We leave behind the old year and giving thanks to God for helping us through the past year.

            As we enter the New Year, what can we learn from Abraham?

Here we find some guidelines for the beginning of the New Year.


Having sensitive ear and heart to the voice of the Lord. The Lord was able to speak to Abraham. He was called. Abraham was lessening, as God was speaking to him. He was like Samuel as he was young, he said to the Lord:

“Speak, Lord, for your Servant is listening.”

            A little girl (Emily) was thinking about heaven. She said:  “You know what, Mom?

 I talked to Jesus on the phone the other day, and I asked Him to come into my heart.

That’s great! But how did you know His number?”

Her reply was simply, yet profound: “He called me!”

            As we start the New Year, be a listener to the voice of the word of God.

 Let us let more read our Bible. So our thought and heart can be filled with the word of God. Colossians 3: 16 says: “let the word of Christ dwell in your richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another…” In a world full of speculation and confusion, only God’s word is certain. 2 Peter 1: 19 says: “We have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed.”


Let us trust God for His Leadership in our lives as we enter into the new unfamiliar year. “Abraham did not know where he was going.” But he knew God will guide him into the unknown territory. As we stepping into the future of the New Year let us remember to trust the Lord for His Guidance. Proverbs 3: 6 says: “In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He shall direct your paths.”  Many times people do not know which way to go. They are looking out for leadership and guidance. Thank God there is guidance by the Holy Spirit and by the word of God. Someone wrote: “I have guided my life by the Bible for more than sixty years, and I tell you there is no book like it.”

One song, by Fanny J. Crosby (360) is saying:

“All the way my Savior leads me;

What have I to ask beside?

Can I doubt His tender mercy?

Who through life has been my guide.”

Jesus led me all the way.”

In Psalm 32 the Lord says: “I will instruct you and teach you

in the way you should go.”


Going into the New Year with faith in God. “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out.”

            Faith in God is not something we inherit. We are not saved by another faith.

In order to have peace with God and eternal life, we must ourselves believe in the Son of God. We must by faith receive Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Lord.

            Our Faith in God is a bible instructed faith. In other words our faith must focuses on Christ, on his death on the cross and His resurrection.  Only a faith that rest on the foundation Jesus Christ gives us salvation through which we become children of God.

Jesus says in John 6: 47: “He who believes in Me has everlasting life.”

            By faith Abraham obeyed and he went out. Faith changed his life. 

 He obeyed. Faith and obedience cannot be separated. Because Faith without of obedience is dead is worthless. Faith without obedience is like a bird with on wing.

Like lightning and thunder. Like sounder is following Lightening, so must good works and obedience follow faith? Our saving faith becomes visible when it is translated form words into action.

“It’s not where you go or what you do; it’s who is beside you that counts” 

                                                                                     Jonathan Fitzner



Luke 2: 10-11

Christmas greeting from heaven.


 We all are familiar with Christmas greetings cards. We receive them and we also write them. This costom was not always.   This custom started around 1844. A famous artist named William Dobson from Birmingham, England began painting Christmas scenes. He began to attach spiritual messages to his paintings and give them out to his friends and family. 

   The idea quickly caught on, and today it is customary to give and to receive Christmas cards, containing greetings and best wishes for happiness, peace and success. Four billion Christmas cards are mailed during Christmas each year and growing. 

  In the very first Christmas the Christmas greeting came from heaven. The greatest and most important heavenly Christmas greeting was proclaimed by Angeles when they appeared to the shepherds: 

  “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” 

  God sent his only Son Jesus, and he is the only one who can free us from the fears we face throughout our life. Jesus Christ is also the one who can liberate us from the condemnation of eternal death.

For ages men and women longed to hear this Good News, and ever since that night long ago in Bethlehem this great news has been the greatest and best hope for all of humankind.  Have you opened your heart and received this heavenly Greeting? 

   Christmas represents the birth of Christ, the One whose birth broke history into two parts- B.C.and A.D. The birth of Christ is what makes the Christmas holiday important.

   Whenever we celebrate our birthday, we like to be given a chance to say something….after all, it is our birthday. Since we are celebrating Christ Birthday, why not ask the question, “Do we give Jesus a chance to speak to us as well?” What do you think what He would say to you? There is a way to know it. When we read his word or hear it and take it into our heart, we know what God is saying to us. Let God speak to our hearts, than we have a blessed Christmas.



                                                   Jonathan Fitzner


 The Bitter Mellon:

The legendary Arabic author Lokman was originally a slave. He had always been treated well by his master.

But at one time his beloved master gave him an extremely bitter melon.

Because of his implicit faith, the slave ate it without a word of protest.  

“How could you eat that this (nauseous) bitter fruit?”

His owner inquired.

The slave answered: “I received many good things from you Master. Shouldn’t I also be willing to take the bitter from your hand?”

This response pleased the sovereign, and he rewarded (Lokman) the slave by giving his freedom.  

 As we go through life we all will encounter sometimes a bitter melon.

We would rather have always sweet melons in life.

We love it, when everything goes well. Being in good health, not too much worries .When nothing breaks down. But it is not always that way. There will be a bitter melon sometimes in our life that we have to swallow it.

 How should we react to that or deal with it?

There are two possibilities. A bitter melon can us make bitter or it can us make better. Deepens how we react.  Let ask Job how reacted in middle of his trails and suffering. Job gives us the answer in Job 2: 10

“Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity? In all this, Job did not sin with his lips”

 If someone would have a reason to protest against God it would be Job. The agony and misery felt by this righteous man was almost unbearable. Yet he never wavered in his love for the Lord. He refused to curse Him with his lips.

What can we, what should we do, when we encounter a bitter melon? How should we cope with it?

First:  A good reaction about our bitter melon of trails is, to wrap it into promise of Romans 8: 28 Here it says: “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

 Someone in Florida had a grapefruit tree that was not fruitful. Than someone told the owner of the grapefruit tree what he should do with that tree. He needed to whack the trunk of the tree a few times with a board. This may stimulate growth. 

 It is possible that God is using a painful experience to bring us closer to God.  Psalm 119: 71, "it is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn your statutes.”   Let us remember what Romans 8: 28 says:  the first 3 words are important. “And we know…” We need to know it. This promise Romans 8: 28 can only than be a blessing for us, when we know it.

How can we know it? We need to read it, we need to remember it, and we need to believe in it. In 1st John we find the words” We know” about 10 times. 1st John 3:

“We know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” And  in John 5: 13, “ this things  I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life…” In 2 Timothy: 3: 15 Paul writes to the young man Timothy: “And from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”

Secondly : To remain faithful to God in every circumstance, in sickness, in disappointments, we need to pray to God.

 Let us learn how Paul reacts to his bitter melon in life.

He writes in 2 Corinthians 12: 7+ 8 “A thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me…Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me.”

  It is interesting how Paul is describing his situation.

“A thorn in the flesh was given to me.” I like to highlight the last four words: “was given to me” He did not ask for it. It "was given to me". Who gave to Paul the thorn in the flesh?  Paul is answering this question: “At least I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me…”

  It can be that the thought comes to us, when I pray, or you pray than nothing will happen to me, everything will be easy in life. God than will always give to us light things. No thorn will be given to us.

 But Paul’s prayer was answered. Not exactly like Paul would expect it.

Thirdly: Lets remember all suffering, all unfriendly circumstances are not for ever.

 1 Peter 1: 6 “In this you greatly rejoice though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials.”

Our life on this earth is just a little while. Especially when we get older time goes faster. The birthdays are coming more quickly.

When Jesus comes again or our Lord calls us home, there will be no more suffering, no more tears, and no sickness.

  (F.b. Meyer said: “The main end of life is not to do, but to become. And for this we are being prepared every day of this short time of our life.”

When you face a bitter melon, remember, it can be a step in life, that brings you closer to God.

 Psalm 66: 10 says: “You, O God, have tested us; you have refined us as silver is refined.”


 God bless you                                      Jonathan Fitzner


 God’s beautiful pictures 

  C. Edward Jones, the 19th century artist from England, went to visit his daughter.

His Granddaughter misbehaved at the table, and her mother had her stand in the corner facing the wall.

 The Grandfather would not interfere with disciplining. However, the next morning he came back with his painting equipment. He painted beautiful pictures in the corner where his granddaughter had been standing. If she would have to stand in the corner again, she could enjoy beautiful pictures.

  This Grandfather did not save his Granddaughter from standing in the corner. Sometimes she had to face the wall.  But he helped her to go through this.

 She saw the wonderful pictures in her corner.

Life around us is not always easy. Sometimes we have to face dark walls around us.

Let us remember when life puts us in corner; God always paints beautiful pictures of His love around us. If it is a difficult time we have to face. God is painting the beautiful pictures of his promises around us. The Lord Jesus says in John 14, 18: “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to You.” there so many Promises God is giving to us. God will keep them all.

     David is praying in Ps. 23: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death” David had to face this many times. His life went through many difficulties.  But in all this he saw the wonderful picture of Gods protection .That’s way he was able to say:


 If someone is facing his Sin and he knows he is lost and he is asking God for forgiveness. God will paint a wonderful Picture of his Mercy and Grace around us.

 The Lord Jesus is telling us the Parable of the lost son in Luke 15 we read in Verse 17 and 18:

“And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my fathers have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!

The New International Version says: “When he came to his senses he said…”

 “I will arise and go to my Father, and will say unto him: Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before Thee.”

    In his great despair, because of his sin, he looked at the picture of a merciful Father, who is waiting for him.

Then the Story tells us: “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”

   The Bible tells us about the beautiful picture of love for us in the giving of his Son Jesus Christ, for our sins and in His resurrection to assure us that He accepts us as His own.

It is imported that our inner eyes and our mind are fixed on Jesus Christ.

  In Hebrews 12: 2 we read “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith…”

   In Isaiah 26, 3 we have a similar Word, here we read: “thou dost keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in Thee.”

   God will bless those who look onto Him. In Psalm 121 we read: “I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” 

 We need to pray that God would open our eyes to be able to see Gods pictures of mercies and love around us.

                                                                                  Jonathan Fitzner

03-10-2010: Behold the Lamb of God   John 1:29


                                  “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him,

                                      and said, Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away

                                      the sin of the world.”


John stood with two of his disciples the next day, and looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God!” (Verse 35+36)

    There are many titles that were applied to Jesus Christ in the New Testament. For example, he was called the Word of God, the Messiah, the Son of Man, the elder brother, the Advocate. The one title John the Baptist is using is: “The Lamb of God.” John the Baptist pointed to Jesus and exclaimed to his disciples:


 A man traveling through a city in Europe noticed on a public building about two thirds of the way up a stone figure of a lamb. Upon inquiry, the traveler discovered that the replica marked the spot where a mason lost his balance and had fallen while the building was under construction.


The worker did not lose his life, however, because he fell directly on top of a lamb, which at that moment was being led with other sheep to be slaughtered. Although the lamb lost its life as a result of the fall, its body served as cushion to the man who otherwise would most certainly have died.

Grateful for the lamb’s sacrifice, he had the image of the lamb placed there as a lasting tribute.


The spiritual application is obvious. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God. Jesus the son of God paid the price of death for us, just like the lamb. Otherwise, the result of our fall into sin would have been eternal death.


John the Baptist said: “Behold the lamb of God!
It means simply look at the Lamb of God. Put your eyes on him. Do not avoid Him. Do not ignore the Lamb of God.


In Hebrew 12 we read: “…Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that before Him endured the cross…” A bible instructed faith focuses on Christ - His death, burial and resurrection. Only that kind of faith can bring salvation and eternal life.


Jesus says in John 3:14 “...As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness; even so must the Son of Man be lifted up.”

When the children of Israel were attacked by fiery serpents in the wilderness, because they rebelled against God, God commanded Moses to raise a bronze snake on a pole as the only cure for their venomous bite.

All the people died except those who looked upon it; they were saved by exercising their faith.


There is a very important look that brings life. It is the look, which the hymn writer has in mind: One look at Jesus and it settled it all for me!

A poem says: 

“There is life for a look at the Crucified One,

there is life at this moment for thee;

then look, sinner, look unto Him and be saved,

unto Him who was nailed to the tree”.

“Behold the Lamb of God” …… Are you looking to the Lamb of God?


Why should we look at the Lamb of God? Because the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ became a sacrifice for our sins.


 Isaiah 53 is showing us Jesus as the Lamb of God who gave his life for us. “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent.”


                  Thank God, there is good news for us, because God paid the penalty for our sins by sending His Son to take our place at Calvary. Because Jesus died, a way of salvation has been provided! “He became my substitute, I could not pay the debt of sin; I was in chains, condemned to die, till Jesus made me pure within.”


By Jesus Christ the Lamb of God we are made free from the bondage of sin. Paul says in Ephesians 1: 7 “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.”


Redemption means to buy back. We were all sold unto sin. But thank God, Christ came to buy us back. He brought us redemption. The purchase price of our redemption was the blood of the Lamb of God. That’s why Peter says in 1. Peter 1:18 and 19: “Knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold… but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” Redemption is or means more than forgiveness for past offenses; it means freedom from the power of sin.



                   “Not silver or gold hath obtained my redemption nor riches of earth                 could have saved my poor soul; I am redeemed, but not with silver, I              am bought, but not with gold: Bought with a price - the blood of            Jesus, precious price of love untold.”



                                                            Jonathan Fitzner

12-01-2009 The Christmas Door


 It was weeks before Christmas we were planning a Christmas Eve Celebration at the Church. I was thinking about the stable in Bethlehem, were Jesus was born. It came to me to build a door, which demonstrates the door that leads into the Stable.





 So I talked to our Son Clemens, who is a Carpenter to build a door. He, with his children and with our second son Carsten, went to work. Here we see the finished project.  This type of door we do not find on famous buildings. It is not a door that would lead into a King’s palace. At famous buildings we will find security personal, they would ask for permission to enter.

 But at the door that leads into the stable were Jesus was born, nobody asked for a driver license, or for special permission to enter in.

 The shepherds came from the fields to this door, and they just open it and entered in. No one was stopping them. They went in and saw the Savior.






So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. Luke 2:16-18

The wise men came “And when they came into the house, they saw the young child with Mary”.

 In John 10: 9 The Lord Jesus is saying: “I am the door, if anyone enters by me, he will be saved.”  

And He also says:   “knock and it will be opened.”

 What can we learn from the Christmas story?

There is only one door between Jesus and myself.

It is just one single step hat leads you to the Savior that brings Salvation and peace.


 The question is: Have you walked in through the door, to meet Jesus, Who is our Savior or are you still standing outside? Only when we enter in, we will find.


  Many people today get excited about the festivities but miss the main event. It is important for all of us to remember what happened in a humble stable and what Jesus’ birth means to us.

 To all our readers, have a blessed Christmas

Season and May God be with you throughout the New Year.


 Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let  earth receive her King; Let every heart            prepare Him room, And Heaven and nature sing, And Heaven and nature sing, and Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.”



9-01-09   Jesus Christ gives us life ….John 10: 10      


The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”


 Jesus is giving us a wonderful promise. He said: “I give you life!” The King Jams Bible says:

“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Jesus said: “… that "they" may have life…” Who are they? These are all the people, all those who are coming to Christ. Jesus came to this world that He would become the Savior for all who believe in Him.


 The scripture says in 1. John 5: 11 - 13:  "He who has the Son has life..."

It is not saying he who hears about Jesus Christ and His Gospel has life. Many people today hear about Jesus. That is good but it is not enough, we need to have Jesus in our life, in our heart.

True life comes not by having something, but by having someone. True life is not something; it is a person, that person is Jesus Christ.


   We ask the question, what kind of life does Jesus give to us? What can we expect from that life, which Jesus gives to us?


First: God as the Creator of everything has given us the physical life, which is precious to us. Life is a miracle of God. We thank God for the physical life. But it does not have that spiritual life. And it does not have a hope for a life in heaven. The Bible says: "He, who does not have the Son of God, does not have life." They still may have physical life, but they are without spiritual life. Our physical life is a short life on this earth. James says: “what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” James 4:14



Secondly:  Jesus came to give us a spiritual life. This is also eternal life.

Jesus says in John 11: 25 "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me shall never die."

And then He asked the question: "Do you believe this?" The promise about eternal life and faith goes hand in hand.

Jesus gives to us a life of faith. Faith is not a man-produced matter. Faith in our heart is also a gift from God. In Hebrews 12:2 we read: “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our Faith.” King James “looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…”    

Paul is saying in the letter to the Galatians: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace… and also faith.” Our spiritual life cannot exist without faith.


The Bible tells us: “but without faith it is impossible to please God.” Because of faith we are blessed by God in so many ways. Romans 10: 11 says: “for the scripture saith, whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.”


Thirdly: Jesus gives us a life that has a purpose.

Our spiritual life is not something that we put on a shelf and let it rest. Every Christian has at least one grace and one assignment (task, duty). All of us have a purpose in life. If we do not live up to that purpose we will lose our gift we have from God. In Mammoth Cave in Kentucky there are fish that are totally blind. They still have eyes, but they have lived in total darkness for so long that they have lost their sight. And so it is with human life. God has made us for a purpose. A fruitless life is an unhappy life. A purposeless life cannot glorify God.


 Fourthly: The life that Jesus gives to us is planted and rooted in Jesus Christ.


Colossians 2: 67. "As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so live in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith."


 A quote by Alex Haley says: "In all of us there is a hunger, marrow-deep, to know our heritage, to know who we are and where we came from." What a blessing it is, when we know that our roots are in God. What a difference it makes when we truly realize it. When we are rooted in God through faith in Jesus, we can truly live, for we know that God loves us, that we belong to God now and forever.


  True life we have only, when we come to Jesus Christ and accept Him as our personal Savior and Lord. Jesus Christ says: "I am the way, the truth, and the life." (John 14: 6)


                                                                                             Jonathan Fitzner

08-08-09  When I consider your heavens,

     “When I consider your heavens,

        the work of your fingers, the moon and

        the stars, which you have set in place,

       what is man that you are mindful of him,

        the son of man that you care for him?”

                                                                                  Psalm 8:3+4


                   I like to share my experience of a night

                   with great pain.


As frail as we are and as fleeting as our life is, God remembers us and cares for us with great love. We are not forgotten by God. No matter what we go through, God, our Maker never takes his eyes off us. O how grateful, how thankful I am that God is so faithful, loving and kind. It was November 15, 2001 the night from Saturday to Sunday. I had been with pain for quite a while. I have 2 compression fractures in my vertebras. Lying down was just as painful as moving around or sitting and with each breath I felt a sharp pain in the bones of my ribcage, so that I could only take shallow breaths.


I had gone to bed but it was impossible to sleep. Like all the other nights in the past weeks.


When all was quiet I carefully rolled out of bed, biting my lips not to let the groans of pain escape my mouth. I did not want to disturb Jonathan, my loving and caring husband, because he had to preach on Sunday morning. Finally I managed to sit up with my feet on the floor. This was already an enormous accomplishment. In my heart I prayed asking God to help me as I moved with great pain.


I put my hands on my thighs and carefully pushed myself up to the standing position. I held on to the wall and slowly walked over to the closet reaching with one hand for my robe. While holding on to the wall with one hand, I managed to get first one then the other arm into the sleeve. With a thankful sigh of relieve I was glad that I was able to do it.


Now down the steps. I have to use my left foot first because when I move my right leg the pain is greater. Halfway down I carefully sit down on the steps, I need to rest. Getting up is very painful.


Finally I made it. I’m downstairs. It is not a pitch-dark night so I don’t need to turn on the light, which is better for my eyes anyway. Bright light makes my eyes worse.

Ever so slowly I go the kitchen taking my Chemo pills, four of them I have to take. I hold them in my hands and pray. I do this every time I take the medicine. I have Multiple Myeloma.

 “Thank your dear God for giving us doctors to help us. Bless this medicine. But true healing comes only from you. I give you all the glory. Thank you.”

Slowly I walk into the living room and carefully I sit down in the recliner.

I did not wake anybody, I am glad. It is 1:00 AM. Covered with a comforter that is always there for me, I have to thank God that I have a warm place and that I am able to sit here.


I look out the window into the night sky.

It is the greatest gift to commune with the savior even in the middle of the night. My heart is filled with thanks: What a friend we have in Jesus. In trials, in troubles, in pain - he is near.


And as I look into the night sky I see one star blinking high up there. And I have to smile. “God made the stars, and he is holding them up there, and surely he is holding me. And the peace and the joy that fills my soul I cannot describe. It is as if I literally feel the loving arms of the heavenly Father around me. 


And I reach for the pen and the notebook next to my chair and begin to write in big letters as best as I can see because I don’t want to interrupt this special moment by turning on the light.



                  Blessing in a Sleepless in a Night


I look out the window into the dark night.

There! A star is greeting me sparkling bright.

An amazing sight, so beautiful, so clear,

And I know, my Savior, my God is near.

He made the stars to light up the night

and draws the heart to the heavenly sight.

I don’t think of the pain, I just look and see,

that the hand of God that holds the stars,

is holding  me. 

And I smile as I gaze into the night.

It is a beautiful, heavenly sight.

And the more I think of my Lord and me,

The more sparkling stars in the sky I see.

Oh Lord, You comfort, You love me, You are so good to me.

I don’t need to fear darkness for thou art with me.

Thank you, my Lord, for the beautiful night.

I thank you for the blessing in a sleepless night.

                                                                             -Gisela Fitzner


                       “He will not let your foot slip -he who watches     over you will not slumber;

                       indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither             slumber nor sleep,

                       The Lord watches over you ...”

                                                                                               Psalm 121:3,4,5


Trust Him. God is faithful. He keeps his promise.

06-10-09:  Do you know real peace?


1970 Jimmy Hendrix, Rock guitarist has given a concert. At the end of the Concert, Jimmy Hendrix had fallen on his knees and was staying in that position motionless. He broke the stillness and he asked the audience: “If you know real peace, I want to visit with you backstage.” But apparently nobody responded to his startling invitation. Several days later he died from an overdose of drugs. A sad story nobody knew the real peace. Nobody could show him the way to the Prince of peace Jesus Christ.


True peace is not being found in the solitude of nature, not within the walls of a monastery nor in the office of a Psychologist.

Our environment will not give us peace; situations in life do not provide peace. Neither can it be purchased or earned by good works. Fame and money, do not bring inner serenity.

Real peace can only be obtained from Jesus Christ, the Prince of peace.


Romans 5: 1 says:

“Having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” There is only one place where we can find peace- In Jesus Christ. True peace is not found in things. Real peace comes from someone, from a person. And that is Jesus Christ. Let us center our lives in the peace that God gives? In John 14: 27 Jesus says:” Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.”

We have real peace when we accept the pardon offered to us through Jesus Christ.

“No God, no peace; Know God, know peace.” God gives us His Spirit to produce real peace. Peace comes by looking unto Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is giving real peace today. He never stopped giving peace to those whoa re coming to Him in faith. It is a peace which begins in peace with God.


Prayer in difficult times.

When I’m feeling weak and vulnerable, Lord, You are the only one I can turn to for help. Strengthen me. Fill me with your grace and power that I might stand tall and move forward and accomplish those things that you’ve placed in my heart. But in all things your will be done. Amen

                                                                                               Jonathan Fitzner

   05-10-09 :Our new life in Christ Jesus:  2 Corinthians  5: 17


    “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”


  We ask the question, what is new about this kind of life in Christ? And what can we expect from a new life in Christ?


   First: The new life in Christ has a beginning. It begins with a new birth. In order to receive it, we must be born again spiritually. The Lord Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3: “You must be born again.” Jesus also said to Nicodemus: “I tell you the truth, unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

   A new life in Christ has to do with receiving a new heart. God says: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:26


Secondly: The new life is an everlasting life.

   We read in 2. Corinthians  5: 1 “We know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”

Children of God are celebrating two different birthdays. A physical one and a spiritual one. On our first birthday God gives us life on this earth. On the second one He gives us spiritual, eternal life.

If You are born twice, you die once, if you are born once you die twice.


Thirdly:  The new life in Christ is expanding.

    There is and there must be a progression in a Christian life. It is great to say, I am saved and redeemed and sanctified. But there has to be more.

We also need to grow in our spiritual life. We cannot remain the same. One of the Enemy in Christian life is stagnation .

    In 2 Peter 1: 5-7 Peter is describing the expanding new life in Christ. “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;  and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. We read about Jesus as he was young: “He increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”

 It is true: “We are in the process of becoming something better or worse than we are.”


Fourthly: The new life in Christ has a purpose.

    God is giving us a new life for a purpose. Jesus said in Matthew 5: 13: “You are the salt of the earth.”

The new life in Christ can only exist for a purpose. Living for Jesus is the best reason for living. A new life in Christ is a good example for others in our time. Our Lord Jesus is saying to his disciples: “You are the light of the world.“ It is true the world is not reading the bible, but the world is reading  Christian people.


    In Closing: Have you experienced the miracle of the new birth? The inner change is possible by the Grace of God, when we admit our need of a new heart and confess our sin and repent and place our trust in Christ for salvation.

                                                                                                          Jonathan Fitzner     

04-05-2009  Three Crosses at Calvary   


                Luke 23: 39- 43

   We are familiar with pictures that are showing us 3 crosses on a hill. On the day Jesus Christ died, three crosses were raised. Jesus was crucified between two criminals. The three crosses on Calvary’s hill are showing us how three people are dying in relation to sin. One of the criminal is dying in sin. He did not ask Jesus for mercy or help. Jesus could not give him a word of forgiveness and a word of hope.


    The second thief was dying to sin (In forgiveness of sin). He put his faith and trust in Jesus and received forgiveness of his sin. He prayed to Jesus, "Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And Jesus answered: “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.” (Luke 23: 42-43) These are the greatest words a dying person could ever hear. Facing death with hope and confidence comes only from trusting Christ.

   And on the middle cross was one dying for sin. It was Jesus Christ. He was God’s Son and had no sin of His own. The center cross made all the difference for those two men hanging beside Jesus - the difference between an eternal separation from God and an eternal heaven.


   In the three crucified on Calvary’s hill we can see a sinner, a saint, and the Savior. The whole human race is represented by those two thieves and their response to the Lord Jesus. Here we see two opposite responses to Jesus Christ by the two thieves who were crucified at Calvary. One is rejecting, the other is accepting.


   Sometimes people are using this story as an excuse to wait to make a decision for Jesus Christ.

   A Man was asked to receive Christ but put it off by saying, “Oh, don’t bother me now. There is always the eleventh hour. Remember the dying thief.” But than he was shocked when he was asked: “which thief? Remember, there were two!” The man responded, “That’s right, I had forgotten that. I meant the saved one!” That very night he decided to trust Jesus for his salvation. People sometimes remember the one dying thief who got saved in the last hour of his life. They think there will be always the eleventh hour to come to Christ. They forget, that there where two thieves. The best time for being saved is today.

Because: “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, and today is a gift.”

The Good News of Easter

  Jesus said: “I am the resurrection and life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” John 11: 25


  A young boy stood outside an art store looking at a painting of Jesus on the cross. A man approached him and asked, “Do you know who that is?” The boy answered, “Yes, Sir, that is Jesus the Savior who died on the cross to save me.” The man patted the boy on the head and walked away.

He had not gone far when he felt a tug on his sleeve. The same little fellow he had spoken to moments before said: “Please, Sir, I forget to tell you something else, Jesus is not one that cross anymore. He is alive because He rose again“.

  The climax of the Gospel is the resurrection. The sermons preached by the Apostles always included the good news that Jesus is not dead, He rose again. Someone expressed it this way: “The good news is not that Jesus lived and died, but that He died and lives.” Jesus came to our earth to bring us the Good News of the Gospel; He died as our sacrifice, and rose from the grave as our Savior.

Konrad Adenauer, former Chancellor of West Germany said:”If Jesus Christ is alive, then there is hope for the world. If not, I do not see the slightest glimmer of hope on the horizon.” And he also said: “I believe Christ’s resurrection to be one of the best-attested facts of history.” 


    Bill Gaither gave us the Song: “Because He (Jesus) lives I can face tomorrow; because He lives all fear is gone; because I know He holds the future; and life is worth the living just because He lives.”


                                                                Jonathan Fitzner



   3-2-09 Two Foundations

  Jesus is showing us two foundations.                                                    

One is a rock foundation; the second one is a sand foundation Matthew 7:  24. Here the Lord is saying:  “A wise man built his house on the rock.” This is the rock foundation. In Verse 26 Jesus is telling us about a foolish man who built his house on sand. Here we have a sand foundation.


   Let us first consider the “sand foundation.” A sand foundation is not suitable to build a house on. It is foolish to do that. Spiritual speaking, if someone thinks, it is nice to hear the word of God, or to read the Bible, but does not obey it, that person builds his house and a sand foundation. In Matthew 7: 26 Jesus says: “But everyone who hears these sayings of mine...” Jesus is not speaking of those who are not hearing the gospel. He says: “but everyone who hears these sayings of mine...” That tells us, that even those who hear the word of God can still built their house on a sand foundation. 

   What can be considered a sand foundation? And how can we describe it? A sand foundation can be a false doctrine. Jesus is saying: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” (Matt 7: 15) With false prophets come false doctrines. They give people a sand foundation and a false hope. Matthew 7: 22 describe people, who were building on a false doctrine. “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name, and done many wonders in your name.” In your name we have prophesied”. But Jesus is saying to them: No, you have not done this in mine name. He said”I never knew you; depart from me...”


Sand foundation is, when people build there salvation on the ground of good works only and not on the foundation of the grace of God. Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 2: 8, “for it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is a gift from God - not by works, so that no one can boast.” The people who build on a sand foundation did not say: “Lord, by your grace we were able to serve you; by the blood of Christ our hearts have been cleansed. Not by our works are we saved but only by your grace and mercy.


  The rock foundation

  Jesus says: “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matt. 7:24) A house needs to have a solid foundation. The foundation is laid deep in the ground so that the house will stand even when strong winds blow against it.

  Our lives are like houses. We also need to have a solid foundation. We need to come to Jesus Christ, because He is the rock of our salvation. The Bible indicates several times, that Jesus Christ is the foundation and rock of our faith and of the church. 1 Peter 2:4 “coming to him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious.” And in verse 6 “And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame.” Apostle Paul writes “for no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 3: 11)


  Professionals tell us, that in that area the rocky ground was covered with sand and soil. The wise builder did make a lot of effort, to dig down through the sand and loose soil until he hit the rock. He knew that his house had to be building on the rock. And so he worked hard to achieve that. But the foolish man thought, why so much effort and work. So he did not go deep enough. When the storm came he may have regret it but then it was too late. He had no chance to build another house.


  Two foundations. A sand foundation and a rock foundation. On which foundation are you standing? In a well known hymn we sing: “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; all other ground is sinking sand.” (Edward Mote)

 We all have only one life. May Jesus Christ be our Rock and Salvation?


                                    Jonathan Fitzner


Will we have a safe landing?     



A Prayer of Moses the man of God.

“The days of our lives are seventy years;

And if by reason of strength they are eighty years,
Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow;
For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” Psalm 90:10

On Thursday, January 15, 2009 the US Airways plane crushed into the frigid Hudson River, NY with 155 people on board. But thank God, every one, even a baby, made it out alive. The Governor of NY called it “A Miracle on the Hudson.” Captain Chesley Sullenberger III did a great job landing his plane on the Hudson river.

Some years ago we used to live close to the Hudson River. Our Church at that time was only maybe half a mile away.  1976 on bicentennial day, we went with our family to the edge of the river on the New Jersey side and watched the many tall sailing ships passing through on the Hudson River. We were told there were in axcess of  70 tall ships from different nations. It was a great and wonderful bicentennial event.


But Thursday, January 15, 09,  there was an even greater event. It was  an amazing sight, to see so many people standing on the wings of the airplane waiting to be rescued. Thank God everyone was rescued. Our son Carsten who has to fly a lot said, he has heard pilots say that " Every landing, you can walk away from is a good one".

 All the 155 people boarded the airplane in LaGuardia Airport. They had a destination in mind. Maybe some people called home and said: “I will be home in two or three hours.” For sure, they did not know what was about to happen in the next 30 minutes or so. None of them wished to land in the Hudson River.

We all, are surrounded by unsure and uncertain things in this world. Sometimes we have a plan what we would like to execute, but we are not really sure that our plan will work out. We go on a trip being so sure that we will reach our destination. But in reality we cannot be so sure.

November 1975, the freighter Edmund Fitzgerald sank in the cold waters of Lake Superior during a storm. Some days before, chief steward Robert Rafferty had written to his wife, “may be home by November 8. However, nothing is ever sure.” He was right. Because of a storm the 29 crew members perished in that disaster. 


 It is true what the Bible says in James 4: 14 “you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanished away.”

  The man of God, Moses, says: “We are flying away.”

Our airplane is called “Time” the flight Nr. is “9010“. Psalm 90: 10.

We fly away” Our watch we can turn back or ahead, that is possible.  But there is one clock we are not able to turn back. Not even 10 minutes; that is the clock of our life. We have to realize, our yesterday is gone, our tomorrow might not be, today is the best day.  To have time means, I can prepare for eternity. Because time is the dressing room for eternity.

  People are making a great mistake when they are not seeking salvation in the time of their life. Because this time of grace and salvation will no last for ever. When the Lord Jesus comes again, or the Lord calls us away from this life, the time of salvation will no longer be.

 Time will come for each and everyone of us, to land somewhere.  The big question for us is: will we have a safe place to land? Or will we land in a place, where we will be lost for all eternity. It all depends on whom we choose as our captain, who our pilot is.

  People praised the Captain of the US Airways flight. How he was able to bring the airplane down on the Hudson river. He is hailed as a Hero.  One man said: “I hugged him and said thanks. Yes, he is a very experienced pilot.”

  But let me tell you, there is another captain, he is far more experienced, he is the perfect pilot. That is our Lord Jesus Christ. With Him as our pilot we will reach the heavenly destination. Only with him we will reach the heavenly shore. No one else is able to give us a save landing. Good works, nor money, earthly riches, they can not give us a save landing on the heavenly shore.  A Christian magazine reported that a hymnbook had a misprint in one line of a Hymn. It should have said: “Land me safe on Canaan’s shore.” But it was printed: “Land my safe on Canaan’s shore.”


   Only Jesus Christ is able to give us a safe future. Let us make sure that our focus is on Jesus Christ. Allowing Him to be our heavenly pilot trough this earthly life and to eternity.

Songwriter Edward Hopper gave us the Song:

"Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me"

 Jesus, Savior, pilot me
Over life's tempestuous sea;
Unknown waves before me roll,
Hiding rock and treacherous shoal.
Chart and compass come from Thee:

Jesus, Savior, pilot me”


  Jesus Christ is giving us all a great invitation: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11: 28) In the shadow of His wings you will have a save flight, a save journey to the landing site on the heavenly shore.

    A small boy was sitting all by himself in a big jet airliner. It was a long flight. A stewardess kept an eye on him.  Finally a passenger leaned forward to speak to him. “Aren’t you lonely?” she asked, “or nervous about flying alone?” The boy looked up with a happy, confident smile, “I am not alone”  he said. “this is my daddy’s plane.”

Just then a tall men in the uniform of the airline stood beside the boy und asked him: “How is it going son?” And the passenger watched the child go up the aisle, hand in hand with the captain of the plan.

  Spiritually speaking, if you trust Jesus Christ and believe in Him and if you put your life in the Hand of God, you are in your heavenly fathers plane. Jesus says in John 10: 29, “My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of my Father’s hand.”

Than we will have a safe landing.                                        Jonathan Fitzner


 01-04-2009:  A Soul that is well


 A well known Hymn is called: “It is well with my soul” by Horatio G. Spafford
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,

             when sorrows like sea billows roll;

             whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say,

             It is well, it is well with my soul.”


  The Bible teaches us, that we as human beings have not only a physical body but also a soul. It is our responsibility to take care of both.  Many people today are completely unconcerned about their soul that was given us by God.

  As believers, as parents, grandparents, we think about our families. Will our Children think about their spiritual life? Do they know that the most important thing in life is to come to Jesus and ask Him to forgive and to invite Him to become their Lord and Savior? 

  Yes, we need many things here on earth for our physical life. And we are thankful for what we have. A place to live, enough food to eat and many other things.

  The Message today is: “A Soul that is well”

We ask the question, when is a soul well, when is a soul, spiritual speaking, healthy?

 First: “It is well with the soul, when we are blessed with forgiveness of our


  Paul writs in Romans 3: 9 and 10  “We have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. As it is written: there is no one righteous, not even one...“ The expression, Jews and Gentiles was used in that time to describe the whole human race.

 But thank God, that in His mercy He provided a source, which takes away our sin.

Because Christ died on the cross, He shed his blood for us so that our sins can be forgiven. In 1 John 1: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  And through what? “... and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Think about the word “All” all sins, not only the big once need to be forgiven, also all, the small sins also are separating us from God, they need to be forgiven.

In Psalm 103 we reed: “Bless the Lord, O my soul, who forgives “all” your iniquities...” 


Secondly: It is only by the grace of God that our soul can be well and be satisfied.

  (German: “Suche Jesus und sein Licht, alles andere hilft dir nicht.”)

“Seek Jesus and his light everything else does not help you.”


  Are you seeking Jesus today? Only He can make the soul healthy and well.

Most people profess to belief in God. True atheism is a rarity. I heard 90% of people belief that there is a God. But there are not too many, who are seeking Jesus Christ to become their Savior and Lord.


  Many people today mistakenly think: “They can find contentment in the things of this world. But that is not possible.  Someone said: “Roll the whole world in, that is, into our heart, and still there would be room.” Jesus says in Matthew 16: 26, “ For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul.”


 The Soul is well, when there is a spiritual hunger and thirst for God and His word.

  In John 6: 48, “I am the bread of life.” And in Verse 51 Jesus says: “I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.”

  In The  O. T. God told Israel to put bread in the Holy place of the tabernacle. There in that first room, 12 loaves were to displayed on a golden table “before the Lord.” (Leviticus 24: 6) The bread reflected God’s promise to provide for all who hunger and thirst for righteousness.  For the believer in Christ, bread may represent the Bible, the Word of God, Jesus Christ, or any of the provisions God has made for our spiritual needs and for our soul. 

And in 1 Timothy 4: 6  Paul says: “... you be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed.“ The late Daly Oldham, a gifted preacher of the Church of God, gave the Song: “Let me see Jesus only.” The refrain goes: “Let me see Jesus only, only He can satisfy.”

  New life in Christ also manifests itself in a hunger and thirst for godly righteousness. A newborn child of God hungers for inward nourishment for the soul. As believers we need to feed upon the word of God in our daily life.

Than it will be well with our soul.


We are told that a turtle can go 500 days without food. And some fish as many as 1000 days.

Someone (Dr. R. G. Lee) drew an interesting analogy from these facts. There are some “turtle Christians who go 500 days without partaking of the real meat of the word. And even a few of the fish variety who go 1000 days without eating the spiritual bread of the Word of God.  Our soul can not be well, when we are “turtle Christians”.  Let us be like David. He says in 119: 97: “Oh, how I love Your Law! It is my meditation all the day.” 


In closing my I say to you, what John in the third Apistle wished his friend in Verse 2 he writes: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” 


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